Boris Johnson’s ramshackle government has been holed beneath water line & run aground by a skipper who seems absent

Boris Johnson’s ramshackle government has been holed beneath water line & run aground by a skipper who seems absent

I WATCHED Downing Street’s wine-and-cheese “press conference” then switched to C5’s brilliant film about the sinking of Europe’s biggest cruise liner, the Costa Concordia. It was hard to tell where one ocean-going catastrophe ended and the other began. 1 Boris has graduated from ‘wobbly shopping trolley’ to ‘crashing the car into the ditch’ to driving his administration onto the rocks Credit: AFP Boris Johnson’s ramshackle government has been holed beneath the water line, run aground by a skipper who seems absent from the wheel. He may now be “sickened and furious” about staffers giggling about a lockdown-breaking wine and cheese… Read Full Article